Course 100 -Introduction to the Tarot


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Course 100

Week One

Introduce the Tarot and the 22 Major arcana.

Session 1: Introduction to the Major Arcana

  1. The Fool- The Hierophant (0-5)

Week Two

Introduce the Tarot and the 22 Major arcana.

Session 2: Introduction to the Major Arcana

  1. The Lovers – Death (6-13)

Week Three

Introduce the Tarot and the 22 Major arcana.

Session 3: Introduction to the Major Arcana

  1. Temperance – The World (14-21)

Week Four

Introduce the four Tarot suits and the elemental association.

Session 4: Introduction to the Minor Arcana and Elements

  1. Swords (Air)
  2. Wands (Fired)
  3. Cups (Water)
  4. Pentacles (Earth)

Week Five

Introduce the 56 minor arcana and numerological meanings.

Session 5: Introduction to56 minor arcana and numerological meanings

  1. One- Five (1-5)

Week Six

Introduce the 56 minor arcana and numerological meanings.

Session 6: Introduction to 56 minor arcana and numerological meanings

  1. Six- Ten (6-10)

Week 7

Introduce the 56 minor arcana and numerological meanings.

Session 7: Introduction

  1. Court Cards (11-14)

Week Eight

Introduction to three (3) foundational tarot spreads, and one of my original Introspective Transition Spreads (ITS).

Session 8: Introduction to Tarot Spreads

  1. Three Card Spread
  2. Celtic Cross
  3. (1) Introspective Transition Spreads (ITS).





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