Introduction to the Tarot Course



Introduction to Tarot Course

Are you open to growing your skillset by learning another healing modality? If so, then I would like to offer you a chance to learn more about the Tarot. The Tarot is a healing art; it’s a miraculous tool that will provide depth and clarity on the energetic and real-life needs of your clients. It gives you vital insight into your clients’ current energy. It indicates possible solutions that will support healthy client outcomes that lead to real transformation. The Tarot will help you as a practitioner, strengthen your healing path of authority, promote client confidence, and support client clarity and alignment.

During the course, we will cover, and you will learn about the history and healing potential of the Tarot. We will cover all 22 Major arcana, and all 56 minor arcana, which captures all four Tarot suits, swords, wands, cups, and pentacles. The course will include an introduction to three  (3) foundational tarot spreads, and one of my original Dr. Z spreads.

Course Objective:

  1. Open your path to the healing potential of the Tarot.
  2. Become familiar with the 78 cards in the Tarot deck.
  3. Learn how to interpret the cards in a meaningful way and use them to provide helpful guidance and direction to your clients.




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