From the Nothing, I was Formed

From the nothing, I was formed, and all that ever was or shall ever be was contained within it. From this space, I became a focused stream of Light, a clear thought-form manifested in and from the Mind of God, showing up and expressing as Zachary D’jon Weaver. From the stars I was drawn down to the earth, entering the vessel of my birth; my mother’s womb, where I grew in my human expression. It was here in this dense body, where I rested, and the shock of transition, accepted. The final push was birth, which drew me further from the remembrance of the truth of my original abode in Source and for a time, disconnected me from the all-pervading glory that I was accustomed. With my first breaths, proceeded cries of sadness, and they were thunderous. Only the loving arms of my guides could provide for me a fraction of the comfort I had departed. Birth ​was the first experience of a perceived separation from the Oneness I existed, and the first of many steps on a journey, towards rediscovering the many​ ​paths of liberation that come through acceptance. It’s through this total acceptance, true wisdom revealed, and by this the healing of the Soul​.

As far back as I can remember myself as identifying as Zachary, I have been an energetically sensitive Pisces. Some like to use the word Empath, to describe this ability. As a child, I looked upon this ability as a blessing because it allowed me to discern the hearts of men, yet a curse due to the constant unsettling emotional and at times physical effects. However, despite the challenges, I have always felt a dutiful desire and sacred connection with the God Source that pervades all life and causes all things to BE. It was this all-pervading power that directed me to try to understand and harness this ability; it was this energy that led me to study and practice meditation and Crystal work, Tarot and other mediums of esoteric healing and illumination.

I have come to accept and embrace all my Divine gifts and abilities for the elevation of Human Consciousness, individually and collectively. I associate myself a Master-Student ( one who shows up in this human experience as an ancient echo, in search of remembering an absolute understanding, through the sincere investigation of soul-stirring inquiry. “

For years I felt I was not ready to do tarot work professionally, but I realized, that one never believes they are prepared for a task, until compelled, by higher forces beyond the ego. I was further inspired by those around me who have been blessed and encouraged as a result of my work. So, today, I accept, if you have reached this page, I’m at your service. I promise to give the best of myself, as I serve as a conduit for the transmission of Divine insight and direction.

Zachary D. Weaver, PhD