New Course -#3 Day Intensive:




New Course -#3 Day Intensive:

Want to Read the Cards?

Learn the Fundamentals of the Tarot Deck.

Introduction to the Tarot INTENSIVE

New Course -#3 Day Intensive:
Want to Read the Cards?
Learn the Fundamentals of the Tarot Deck.
Introduction to the Tarot INTENSIVE Course 114 -Outline


Introduce the Tarot and the 22 Major arcana.

Session 1: Introduction to the Major Arcana
The Fool- The Hierophant (0-5)
The Lovers – Death (6-13)
Temperance – The World (14-21)
Day Two

Introduce the four Tarot suits and elemental association.

Session 2: Introduction to the Minor Arcana and Elements
Swords (Air)
Wands (Fired)
Cups (Water)
Pentacles (Earth)

Introduce the 56 minor arcana and numerological meanings.

Session 2: Introduction to 56 minor arcana and numerological meanings
One- Five (1-5)
Six- Ten (6-10)
Court Cards (11-14)
Day Three

Introduction to tarot spreads

Session 3: Foundational Spreads
One Card Spread
Three Card Spread
Celtic Cross


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