The Raw, Radiant “me” that Dwells Within the I Am that is ME

The raw, radiant me that dwells within the I Am that is ME is not of this world, yet existing in this earth realm just the same. Dreams are for me temporary respites, a sojourn to relief, from the dense, yet hollow frames of this material world. To exist in this world not fully understanding the truth of it, yet accepting, seems to be the biggest of undertakings. What becomes of the soul, when encountering mirrors along the day? Mirrors in the form of dense shapes filled with diverse spectrums of light. One realizes, the light within the “me” exists within a reality of illusory reflections; and not alone. What happens when the light meets with fate and encounters beings of contrast? Intertwined in this vast web of mystery, unknowable, yet deeply felt within; seems, conspiratorial. The truth remains, and even more so a reminder to the “me” that dwells within the, I Am that is forever Me. Ever connected, ever intertwined in this journey of life, longing for itself. Wanting to sleep, for to sleep is to dream, to dream is to be free from the bonds of the body, a vessel of limitation that seems such a prison to the soul. A light seemingly so far from home, an abode that is absolute;  real in this dichotomous existence, where the “me” and the I Am are truly One and indeed free from the constructs of this separated world where contrast exists.

Dr. Z